Islam, Seekers Guidance

Sign up for classes at SeekersGuidance!

ImageRemember to sign up for one or more of the incredible courses at SeekersGuidance! I’ve studied several courses at SG, and each one has added something positive and constructive to my life.

Just to name a few, Islamic Marriage taught me strategies for effective conflict resolution, Islamic Parenting taught me the need to inculcating God-consciousness and internal motivation from a young age, and The Rights of Parents taught me the importance of being kind and respectful to parents, regardless of what they do. It’s always refreshing to learn what Islam actually teaches, instead of being stuck in guilt-inducing cultural patterns.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge.” [Muslim].

It’s not too late to sign up! Registration opened on March 24th 🙂

Health, Islam, Life, Love

Create What You Love – Huffington Post opinion piece

1350860_hand-in-handI really liked this article on Huffington Post – Create What You Love: 4 Steps To Improve Your Life.

The four principles Susanna Bair wrote about are:

Use love to build a beautiful and healthy body.

Use love to create the work you enjoy.

Use love to develop the relationship you want.

Use love to build a better world.

I know that starting off my day with my morning prayer (fajr) helps to remind me of what matters in life. All five daily prayers help to ground me. The key is to take my time, and not rush through them. I can measure how centered I feel in my life depending on how present I am with Allah in my prayer.

Going for a walk or doing my yoga stretches helps me feel a limber and relaxed. I do a lot of sitting down when I study or write, and that puts a lot of stress on my lower back. Moving around helps to clear my head and release any built-up tension in my back or shoulders. It’s amazing what a short 15-20 minute walk/yoga session can do.

It’s a blessing to be able to study and work with what I love (counselling and writing, respectively). I’m looking forward to completing my Diploma of Counselling over the next few months, and joining the workforce once I get enough volunteer experience. As for my writing…stay tuned for my next article 🙂

Spending quality time with friends and family is a constant source of joy, validation and support for me. I don’t have any pets, but I have three plants: Lily, Violet, and Lucky Bamboo. I water them regularly, and talk to them on occasion. I’ve heard that talking to plants actually helps them grow! I suspect it’s working lol.