Teaching, Why Islam is True

Interested in Why Islam Is True for Muslim teens in 2024?

If you have a 13-19 year old and want them to learn Why Islam is True, please click on this form to express your interest. If there is enough demand, then I’ll be able to run this class through KL Kuttāb, the weekend holistic madrasah I teach at.

The deadline for completing the survey is Saturday, December 23, 2023. Please share this widely with your friends, family and contacts! The more students sign up, then the higher chance I have of running this class.

I’m so grateful I got to teach the 8-week Why Islam Is True course for teenage girls over the past two months through Peacemeal. Click here for my student Layla’s testimonial.

*Please note: If you have a 10-12 year old who is mature for their age, please feel free to express your interest in my class.

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