motherhood, Writing

Lunch Ticket will publish my writing!

Alhamdulilah, I’m thrilled to share that Lunch Ticket will be publishing three of my flash prose creative non-fiction writing pieces ❤ I’ll share the link once it’s up.

My acceptance letter looked like this:

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I don’t have an MFA, and am likely to be many years away from that, given the intensity of the early years of mothering small children….so aaaah I am so excited they loved my writing! Lunch Ticket is a literary and art journal from the MFA community at Antioch University Los Angeles. Aaaah!!

I edited and submitted those pieces at around 2 am in the morning a few days ago, after writing them up in the precious snippets of free time that I do have. And yes, I paid for it the next day by being so groggy while my 3 year old was jumping around, and while my 6 month old needed to be fed and changed. But ah, the joy of that acceptance letter really does make it feel worthwhile. Buuuut I do have a life goal of sleeping before 11 pm every night so that I don’t end up having adrenal fatigue and/or cranky mama syndrome. #goodluckraidah #nightowl #writingwhenIshouldbesleeping

Thank you, Sharon Bakar, for believing my creative non-fiction writing!

If you’re an exhausted mama writer, know that your words matter! Even if it takes a billion attempts, with a million interruptions….don’t give up. You and your stories are worth it.

Love, Marriage, Poetry, Short story

The Drum – a literary magazine for your ears




I’ve recently stumbled across a wonderful literary magazine called The Drum. Check it out! Being an avid fan of all things literary, I’ve come to really enjoy my stopovers at The Drum. Each poem/essay is unique; some poignant, others hilarious.

I really enjoyed Jane Hamilton’s essay “Finding Forgiveness In a Ziploc”. Her heartwarming reflection on marriage revolves around an incident at the airport with her husband and a ziploc bag. While listening to her voice, I was a fly on the wall during the dramatic, stress-induced culmination of 26 years of her marriage. That being said, I’m all for happy endings, and her thoughtful, honest and funny essay left me with a wonderful sense of hope.