art, Beauty, Writing

CoMeL and Fay Khoo Award!


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Today has been a big day. Alhamdulilah.

  1. I managed to attend the wonderfully inspiring CoMeL event with my baby and mum-in-law, with my husband looking after my eldest. I FINALLY GOT TO SEE HARITH ISKANDER LIVE!! And read my poem to Anse Tamara Grey! I will blog more about this soon, hopefully.
  1. While my daughters were asleep, I finally finished, edited and submitted my personal narrative for the Fay Khoo Award! It closes tomorrow, so there’s still time! Now I really should sleep. Sleeeeep.

Call For Entries 2018: Fay Khoo Award

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My ASEAN peeps, the Fay Khoo award ends in 19 days (Sep 30)! You can read about it here, download the Terms & Conditions here. For further information, you can email

I had no idea this competition existed, until Sharon Bakar brought  this to my attention. Again lol. Just like the D.K. Dutt award, I didn’t know about it until Sharon’s very concerned post on the Malaysian Writer’s FB group. She makes the same point now, with the Fay Khoo award – if local writers don’t submit, then competitions will shut down. End of story.

I’ve lived and written in Jordan, Australia and Malaysia, and let me tell you that the local writing scene here is SUPER SUPPORTIVE. Like, unbelievably. I’m so grateful for this, and so happy, and am going to start on my Fay Khoo submission after I write this blog post. Really.

My DK Dutt Competition backstory: After stumbling across Sharon’s post on FB, I frantically wrote up my piece while my then 1+ year old daughter kept waking up at night, cried while I wrote it out of sheer frustration and postpartum exhaustion and hormones,  finished it just before the deadline, submitted it, and didn’t expect to win anything. I wanted to keep the local competition alive, and to my absolute surprise and delight, my entry was short-listed, and now it’s the second story in the gorgeous anthology Bitter Roots, Sweet Fruits.

Moral of the story (ha) – each of us makes a difference. So write! Edit! Submit! Good editors don’t expect a perfect piece, but they do want a polished one. And if your story has potential, they’ll help you make it shine. OK now I’m reallly gonna go start working on my entry.