Why Islam is True

Why Islam Is True – Ramadan sale

Click here for the Ramadan special price of Why Islam Is True! This incredible course teaches the evidence-based, rational arguments for the existence of God and the truth of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)’s Prophethood. If you have any doubts about Islam, this is the course for you.

I’ve studied this course online with Shaykh Hamza Karamali, done the teacher training with his student, Ustadha Iman Bajawray, and taught two cohorts of students so far. Each time I teach it, I gain something new from my incredible students – especially the ones who ask me challenging questions

This course is suitable for Muslim parents, educators, Muslims youth aged 11+ and curious non-Muslims. The sale ends on Wednesday April 10th, and even includes a discount on the textbook. Please share widely!

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